Don’t Use Backcountry in Your Name

Backcountry Sledder design trademark with 5 mountain peaks

There too many businesses using the word “Backcountry” in their name or as a trademark. Between the very agressive eCommerce business called Backcountry Corp and Cabela’s LLC and many Canadian businesses, there just isn’t enough room for another Backcountry business.

In the US, LLC has sued at least 5 small businesses in federal district court for trademark infringement. You never know when they might start doing that in Canada.

What is the Backcountry?

The backcountry is a geographical area that is remote, undeveloped, isolated, or difficult to access. Eg. Most of western Canada, northern Ontario, and northern Quebec.

Image result for Backcountry

How Long Can A Backcountry Business Name Be?

Okay, this isn’t the wild west, but you have to be practical. Backcountry is already 11 letters long. If you add a second portion to make it either more descriptive or more distinctive, your domain name will exceed 15 letters. Longer domain names are more prone to typo errors. Imagine your matching email address is 25+ letters long, including your name. Eg. name@reallylongdomainname .ca – This gets to be a hassle for both you and your customers/clients.

A business name should be one or two words plus a legal ending if it’s a corporation. If that’s not available, pick another name. Your marking department will appreciate your forward thinking.

30+ Backcountry Trade Names

There are probably more than 30 businesses that have registered a name that includes the word Backcountry and it’s getting crowded.

Showing 1 to 30 of 30 entries (Note: this isn’t a complete list.)
Rank Name Jurisdiction and number Creation date (YYYY-MM-DD) Status Business activity
1 BACKCOUNTRY TM-1922995 2018-10-01 Active 8 , 9
2 BACKCOUNTRY TM-1895186 2018-04-23 Active 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 24 , 25 , 28 , 35
3 BACKCOUNTRY TM-1719464 2015-03-16 Active 12
4 Backcountry TM-1247859 2005-02-18 Inactive 25 , 35 , 39 , 42
5 BACKCOUNTRY TM-1640804 2013-08-23 Active 24 , 25
6 BACKCOUNTRY TM-1772271 2016-03-14 Active 31
7 BACKCOUNTRY TM-1810440 2016-11-21 Active 20
8 BACKCOUNTRY LANDSCAPES AB-TN14679195 2009-05-07 Active
9 BACKCOUNTRY CONTRACTING AB-TN15208309 2010-02-26 Active
10 BACKCOUNTRY REALTY AB-TN18602714 2014-11-13 Active
11 BACKCOUNTRY OUTLET AB-TN20148888 2017-01-04 Active
12 BACKCOUNTRY ADVENTURE AB-TN5628938 1993-04-23 Active
13 AMAZING BACKCOUNTRY AB-PT17271750 2013-01-30 Active
14 BACKCOUNTRY BRANDING ON-280762055 2018-07-13 Active
15 BACKCOUNTRY MECHANICS MB-7198206 2015-10-05 Inactive Other Specialty Trade Contractors
16 Backcountry Women MB-10031310 2019-01-07 Active Other Personal Services
17 BACKCOUNTRY OUTFITTERS NB-342491 1997-08-07 Inactive
18 BACKCOUNTRY ADVENTURES NB-325374 1990-12-27 Inactive
19 BACKCOUNTRY BURGER BC-FM0772744 2019-04-01 Active
20 BACKCOUNTRY ARTISTRY BC-FM0447513 2007-04-02 Active
21 BACKCOUNTRY CONTRACTING BC-FM0556941 2011-05-12 Active
22 BACKCOUNTRY EXPEDITING YT-224268 2012-07-24 Inactive
23 BACKCOUNTRY – BUS YT-313583 2013-06-10 Inactive
24 BACKCOUNTRY BAGELS BC-FM0772475 2019-03-28 Active
25 BACKCOUNTRY BLOOMS BC-FM0680174 2016-02-03 Active
26 BACKCOUNTRY BEAUTY BC-FM0722297 2017-06-24 Active
27 BACKCOUNTRY ENTERPRISES AB-PT6560486 1995-05-26 Active
28 BACK-COUNTRY TM-1285153 2006-01-06 Active 12 , 16 , 35
29 BACKCOUNTRY BREWING TM-1844477 2017-06-27 Active 39 , 40 , 43
30 Backcountry Cigars TM-1950037 2019-03-07 Active 16 , 34

19 Backcountry Trademarks

There were 19 Backcountry trademarks as of November 11, 2019:

Application numberRegNo.TrademarkType(s)CIPO StatusNice classOwner
1810440 TMA1021708 BACKCOUNTRYWordREGISTERED20 Exxel Outdoors, LLC
1844477 TMA993159 BACKCOUNTRY BREWINGWordREGISTERED39, 40, 43 1037112 B.C LTD
1790966 TMA993158 BACKCOUNTRY BREWINGWordREGISTERED7, 11, 16, 21, 28,  1037112 B.C Ltd
1640804 TMA963342 BACKCOUNTRYWordREGISTERED24, 25 Cabela’s LLC
1772271 TMA962843 BACKCOUNTRYWordREGISTERED31 Société des Produits Nestlé
1247859BackcountryWordABANDONED SECTION 3625, 35, 39, 42 2059676 Ontario Inc.
1895186BACKCOUNTRYWordSEARCHED8, 9, 11, 12, 18, LLC
1950037Backcountry CigarsWordFORMALIZED16, 34Island Lifestyle Importers, LLC
1937884Backcountry SledderWordFORMALIZED16, 25Ghislain Duguay
1986087Backcountry WokStandard CharactersFORMALIZED29Backcountry Wok Inc
1653267 TMA940425 BCA BACKCOUNTRY ACCESSWordREGISTERED5, 8, 9, 18, 21, Backcountry Access, Inc.
1990531MUSKOL BACKCOUNTRYStandard CharactersFORMALIZED3, 5, 41, 44Canadian Tire Corporation
1926546Backcountry Coffee CompanyWordFORMALIZED30Kyle Morgan
1882868Backcountry Hunters & AnglersWordSEARCHED35Backcountry Hunters Anglers
1937896Dessin de montagnes et Backcountry SledderDesignFORMALIZED16, 25Ghislain Duguay

Updated November 11, 2019